Hotels in Krabi

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    array(4) { ["Star rating"]=> array(5) { [0]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(12) "4-star hotel" [1]=> int(51) [2]=> string(12) "4-star-hotel" [3]=> int(274) [4]=> int(249) } [1]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(12) "5-star hotel" [1]=> int(15) [2]=> string(12) "5-star-hotel" [3]=> int(250) [4]=> int(249) } [2]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(12) "3-star hotel" [1]=> int(99) [2]=> string(12) "3-star-hotel" [3]=> int(278) [4]=> int(249) } [3]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(12) "2-star hotel" [1]=> int(16) [2]=> string(12) "2-star-hotel" [3]=> int(279) [4]=> int(249) } [4]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(12) "1-star hotel" [1]=> int(2) [2]=> string(12) "1-star-hotel" [3]=> int(657) [4]=> int(249) } } ["Neighbourhood"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(5) { [0]=> string(5) "Krabi" [1]=> int(6) [2]=> string(5) "krabi" [3]=> int(750) [4]=> int(251) } } ["Location Rating"]=> array(5) { [9]=> array(74) { [0]=> int(254) [1]=> int(512) [2]=> int(254) [3]=> int(494) [4]=> int(494) [5]=> int(494) [6]=> int(503) [7]=> int(494) [8]=> 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    Star rating
    Location Rating
    Guest Rating
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    based on 101 reviews

    Set on a lush hillside, this upscale hotel is 7 minutes away by foot from Klong Khong Beach, and 9 km from both Tiger Cave and Saladan Pier.Featuring private pools, the rustic-chic 1- to 3-bedroom villas provide Wi-Fi and TVs, plus kitchens, living rooms and open-air bathrooms. Room service is available.Grocery shopping, babysitting and massage services can be arranged, as can yoga classes and motorbike rentals.
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    based on 116 reviews

    "Property Location nWith a stay at Alisea Pool Villas in Krabi, you'll be a 3-minute drive from Nopparat Thara Beach and 9 minutes from Ao Nang Beach. This 4-star villa is 4.9 mi (7.9 km) from Khlong Muang Beach and 10.3 mi (16.5 km) from Khao Khanap Nam.nRooms nMake yourself at home in one of the 11 air-conditioned rooms featuring private pools and flat-screen televisions. Rooms have private furnished patios. Kitchens are outfitted with full-sized refrigerators/freezers and stovetops. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with separate bathtubs and showers feature jetted bathtubs and complimentary toiletries.nAmenities nTake advantage of recreation opportunities such as an outdoor pool or take in the view from a terrace and a garden. Additional amenities at this villa include complimentary wireless Internet access and tour/ticket assistance.nDining nEnjoy a meal at the restaurant, or stay in and take advantage of the villa's room service (during limited hours). Wrap up your day with a drink at the bar/lounge. A complimentary cooked-to-order breakfast is included.nBusiness, Other Amenities nFeatured amenities include dry cleaning/laundry services, a 24-hour front desk, and luggage storage. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available 24 hours), and free self parking is available onsite."
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    based on 53 reviews

    Check-in time: 2:00 PM
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    based on 906 reviews

    Set in traditional wood houses overlooking the Andaman Sea, this upscale, beachfront hotel is a 13-minute walk from the Tab Kak Hang Nak Nature Trail.Chic, teak-paneled rooms have private balconies. All have free Wi-Fi, TVs and minibars, plus tea and coffeemakers. Upgraded rooms add whirlpool tubs or hot tubs; suites have lounge areas and/or spa treatment rooms.There's a restaurant offering a breakfast buffet (fee), plus a beachfront Italian restaurant and a cocktail bar. Other amenities include a serene spa, a gym and outdoor pools (1 for kids). Kayaks are available.
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    based on 933 reviews

    Set in traditional wood houses overlooking the Andaman Sea, this upscale, beachfront hotel is a 13-minute walk from the Tab Kak Hang Nak Nature Trail. Chic, teak-paneled rooms have private balconies. All have free Wi-Fi, TVs and minibars, plus tea and coffeemakers. Upgraded rooms add whirlpool tubs or hot tubs; suites have lounge areas and/or spa treatment rooms. There's a restaurant offering a breakfast buffet (fee), plus a beachfront Italian restaurant and a cocktail bar. Other amenities include a serene spa, a gym and outdoor pools (1 for kids). Kayaks are available.
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    based on 661 reviews

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    based on 1203 reviews

    A 5-minute walk from Ao Nang Beach, this stylish, upscale hotel set in tropical gardens is 2.6 km from the live snakes at the Krabi King Cobra Show and 10 km from Fossil Shell Beach. Featuring contemporary Thai or Japanese decor, the modern, chic rooms offer Wi-Fi, balconies and flat-screen TVs, as well as minifridges, and tea and coffeemakers. Upgraded rooms have direct access to an outdoor pool. Room service is available. Breakfast is offered. There's a contemporary, airy restaurant and an outdoor pool with cabanas. Other amenities include a kids' pool, a pool bar and event space. Massages can be arranged.
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    • rating_star
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    based on 370 reviews

    Overlooking the Andaman Sea, this unpretentious beachfront resort a 7-minute walk from Khlong Chak Waterfall and 8 km from Lanta Nature Beach. Understated, contemporary rooms offer tile floors and balconie and have free Wi-Fi, minifridges and satellite TV, along with DVD players, coffeemakers and safes. Upgraded rooms have sea views, and private villas add separate bedrooms. Some villas are beachfront. Amenities include a Thai/European restaurant, a private beach, and an outdoor pool with a kids' pool. There's also a library, as well as scooter rentals and loaner kayaks.
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    based on 157 reviews

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    based on 288 reviews

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    based on 142 reviews

    Nestled between a rustic road and serene Klong Nin Beach, this tranquil hotel on lush grounds is 11 km from Ko Lanta National Park and 14 km from Koh Lanta (Saladan Pier), offering ferry service to Koh Phi Phi. Featuring terraces and dark wood paneling, the airy, streamlined rooms provide flat-screens, Wi-Fi and sitting areas. Upgraded rooms add beach views and/or living areas. Room service is available. Amenities include a beachfront eatery and bar, tropical gardens, and BBQ facilities, as well as 2 outdoor pools with sea views, a kids' area and a hot tub. There's also a spa with a sauna.
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    based on 503 reviews

    Surrounded by palm trees in a mostly residential neighborhood, this laid-back hotel is 2 km from Ao Nang Beach. Aonang Al-Munuawarah Mosque is a 7-minute walk and Krabi Airport is 25 km away. Bright rooms with tile floors feature balconies, flat-screen TVs and minifridges; upgraded rooms have whirlpool tubs. There's an informal restaurant with warm wood furnishings, plus a low-key bar next to an outdoor pool. Parking is available.
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    based on 269 reviews

    Surrounded by limestone hills and lush greenery, this breezy hotel is 2 km from Ao Nang Beach and 25 km from Krabi Airport. Featuring balconies with pool or garden views, the relaxed, simply decorated rooms have free Wi-Fi and flat-screen TVs, as well as minifridges, and tea and coffeemakers. Room service is available. Breakfast, parking and an area shuttle are complimentary. There's a restaurant and a TV lounge, plus an outdoor pool, a terrace and a salon. Snorkeling, fishing and horseback riding are also available.
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    • rating_star
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    based on 193 reviews

    Set in tropical gardens 1 km from the beach, this relaxed resort lies 4 km from Nosey Parker's Elephant Camp and 25 km from Krabi Airport. Warm rooms with colorful decor feature balconies/terraces, satellite TV and complimentary Wi-Fi, plus minibars, and tea and coffeemakers. Some offer pool views, while the suites add living areas. Up to 1 child aged 9 and under stays free with an adult. Breakfast, parking and beach shuttles are complimentary. There's also a restaurant with wood accents and outside seating, as well as a lobby bar, and an outdoor pool with a hot tub and a kids' area.
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    based on 670 reviews

    Set on a beach along the Andaman Sea, this refined resort with Thai architectural details is 13 km from Nosey Parker's Elephant Camp. Featuring colorful artwork and wood furnishings, the polished rooms come with free Wi-Fi and flat-screen TVs, plus minibars, and tea and coffeemakers. Upgraded rooms include sea views, while some offer balconies with direct pool access or private hot tubs. The 1- to 5-bedroom villas have separate living areas, and some have private pools. There's an alfresco restaurant with regular live music. Other amenities include an outdoor pool and a chic spa.
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    based on 81 reviews

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    Very good
    based on 364 reviews

    Set 1 km from Ao Nang Beach, this relaxed hotel is also 1 km from Nopparat Thara Beach and a 7-minute walk from the Ao Nang Night Market. The casual, warmly decorated rooms provide flat-screen TVs, free Wi-Fi and balconies, as well as minifridges, and tea and coffeemaking facilities. Bi-level suites add living areas, terraces and/or soaking tubs.Freebies include parking and a beach shuttle. There's also a casual bar/restaurant and an Italian eatery. Other amenities include an outdoor infinity pool, a movie room and a billiard table. Breakfast is available for a fee.
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    • rating_star
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    based on 665 reviews

    This laid-back beachfront resort is 3 km from both Krabi Cookery School and Krabi King Cobra Show, as well as 7 km from Nosey Parker's Elephant Camp. The warmly decorated rooms come with Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, safes, and furnished balconies or terraces. Some rooms have direct pool access or views of the pool, surrounding cliffs and the Andaman Sea. A breakfast buffet is served in a relaxed restaurant offering Asian cuisine. There's an outdoor pool with a sundeck. Tours are available. Minimum-stay requirements may apply.
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    based on 725 reviews

    Surrounded by lush gardens and mountain scenery, this luxe resort is 2 km from Ao Nang Beach and 25 km from Krabi Airport. Chic rooms with colorful accents feature free Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, minifridges, tea and coffeemaking equipment, and balconies with garden views. Upgraded rooms add floor-to-ceiling windows and/or sweeping mountain views. Suites add separate living areas. Detached villas are tucked further into the rain forest and add kitchenettes. Breakfast is included. Additional amenities include a window-lined restaurant with views of the lush scenery, a serene pool and lounge area, a fitness center, and a spa with massage services.
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    Very good
    based on 254 reviews

    On a busy tree-lined street 3 minutes' walk from Ao Nang Beach, this unpretentious hotel is also 2 km from Krabi Thai Cookery School. The relaxed rooms feature free Wi-Fi, satellite TV, and balconies or terraces with pool views. They also offer safes and minifridges, plus tea and coffeemakers. Children age 12 and under stay at no cost when using existing beds. Room service is available.A free cooked breakfast is served in a thatched, open-sided restaurant, which also offers regional and international fare. Further amenities include a bar and an outdoor pool.
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